
More cases being found in U.S. caused by orthopox virus in same family as virus causing smallpox. However, not nearly as dangerous as smallpox. Spread through close contact. Has now been seen in an infant and a toddler, but most cases are in adults. Commonly spread through sexual contact.

Begins with rash that starts as red spots that turn into raised bumps and then pus-filled bumps (pustules). May be found only in genital area or around anus but often elsewhere such as the torso.

There is a diagnostic test available. A sample is obtained from one of the sores. Tests can be done by Health Departments or select commercial labs.

Specific treatment usually not needed as most patients recover in 2-4 weeks without any treatment. However, patients at risk for more severe disease, such as immunocompromised individuals, may benefit from treatment. There are two vaccines in U.S. that can be given. There are also antiviral medications that can be prescribed.

If you develop a new rash, see your healthcare provider to find out the cause. They will advise you on what you should do, which depends on the cause of the rash. Be well.