Synthetic Marijuana

Since possession of pot is illegal in most states new forms of man-made marijuana have been developed. Essentially, the “manufacturers” dry and cut up various plants that will burn readily and produce smoke much like real marijuana. These plants do not contain the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. So, chemists have developed a number of synthetic compounds that attach to the same brain receptor as THC. These compounds are added to the dried plants so that smoking them provides similar effects as you get when smoking weed.

Unfortunately, these new chemicals often attach more strongly to the receptors, which can produce more potent reactions. They may produce a mellow feeling like pot, but they can sometimes cause paranoia, hallucinations, elevated blood pressure, and even a heart attack. They can cause a full blown psychotic break that may be mistaken for schizophrenia or other forms of psychosis.

The DEA has isolated a number of these compounds and have made them illegal. However, the chemists stay one step ahead of the DEA so that they manufacture a new variant that is not yet illegal. In this way, synthetic marijuana can be sold legally. The product labels may state that they are natural substances and not foods. This way, the FDA does not oversee their production.

These synthetic marijuana products go by a variety of names such as “Spice,” “K2,” and many others. People often purchase them in gas stations, on the Internet, and other locations.

While these forms,of synthetic marijuana may be legal they are not benign and are more risky than real marijuana. Let the buyer beware!

Peter M. Hartmann, MD, DFAPA
Psychiatry & Family Medicine